Community EventCommunity Event

Community Event

Book studio for broadcasting of event
Background for studio - see what design assets do you need from Notion
Decide which broadcasting software to use
See if we can stream live to YouTube and keep a recording
  • Can I do a live broadcast on the Notion Youtube channel?
Create event page for promotion
Choose exact timing for event
7-9pm KST, August 11th
Promote event page widely
Post in Facebook group
Create a Facebook event
Post in Kakaotalk groupchat
Send Direct Message(E-mail)
Share on Twitter @notionKR, check if @notionHQ can retweet
We shipped swag to KPR, we should get some sent to the studio so that it can be displayed on video.
Figure out what to do with the swag we sent. See if we can ship to people who sign up.
We will need someone to add subtitles for message from Notion ahead of time
Find a contractor for translations
Create Progress Page


19:00 ~ 19:05 Introduce Event agenda (5 min)
특이사항: 간단한 오프닝, 인삿말 (PPT)
19:05 ~ 19:20 Message from Ivan and other members from Notion team [From Notion]
사전 인터뷰 질문지 전달
인터뷰 요청 했고 대답 기다리는 중
특이사항: 녹화된 동영상 재생 → EO 스타일의 인터뷰 영상
  • Introduce Notion's launching in Korean
  • Highlight importance of Korean market
  • Present Notion's remarkable growth worldwide and within Korea
19:20 ~ 19:30 Notion Korean version Demo (10 min)
Notion 한국어 버전 데모 시연
특이사항: PC(Laptop?)을 이용한 노션 한국어판 시연
19:30 ~ 20:30 Talks from the Community (60 min) 각 발표는 약 15분 정도
발표자료는 월요일까지 취합 예정
특이사항: 모더레이터가 각 발표 시작할 때 간단한 소개
20:30 ~ 21:00 Q&A 진행
특이사항: 미리 받아놓은 질문을 진행


Webinar Poster
notion imagenotion image
Webinar thumbnail
notion imagenotion image
Korean Cover photo
notion imagenotion image
notion imagenotion image
Notion Logos
Copy of Media Kit

Event Page for Korean

Copy of Event-us Page Content