
Notion Localization - Linguistic Asset Review

Hi Notion Pros! Thanks so much for jumping to help with our localization effort. Feel free to @mention Jenny Nguyen if you have a question or need clarification.



  • Acclaro is the translation agency
  • Lokalise is the tool for managing the translation work
  • Source strings refer to the original content in the original language (English in this case)
  • A glossary...
    • Is a terminology database of important terms like product/brand/feature names, acronyms, etc.
    • Contains source language term and approved target language translations
    • Eliminates ambiguity, guarantees consistency and accuracy
  • A style guide...
    • Provides guidelines for how content should be translated in order to stay on-brand within a target locale
    • Describes formality, tone and voice,
    • Contains standards for grammar, dates, times, currencies, units, etc.

Linguistic Assets

The glossary and style guide below were put together by Acclaro as a starting point for the translation work. Both of them will continuously evolve over time as they receive more content from Notion to translate.
The glossary does not contain all of the relevant terminology yet because Acclaro has only been exposed to a subset of the source strings since our engineers are still working on wrapping strings in the codebase.
Acclaro Glossary
Acclaro Style Guide

Review Instructions

The goal here is to make sure that the glossary and style guide contain the right terms and guidelines to ensure that the translations will feel and sound like Notion.
  • Read the term and matching description in English
Review the Korean translation of the term in the ko_KR column and leave feedback in the notion pros feedback column
Do not ignore the ICU Plural Strings section
Specifically, provide feedback on the red section as seen in the screenshot below
notion imagenotion image
Use comments to leave any feedback
Pay special attention to Korean-specific guidelines
Add explanation of Korean words/terms (this is helpful for non-Korean speakers to understand)
notion imagenotion image


A place for us to ask each other questions outside of comments.

Notion → Notion Pros

Notion uses Oxford commas. Does this concept exist in Korean? What is the Korean standard rule?
How does capitalization work in Korean?

Notion Pros → Notion

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