

[P] means methods for Page Property, [D] means methods for Database Property.

1. Instance methods

files → String, Hash

  1. files of Page property returns the Array of FileObject.
  1. files of Database property returns an empty Hash {}.
    1. page.properties["File&MediaTitle"].files => [<NotionRubyMapping::FileObject:...>] db.properties["File&MediaTitle"].files => {}

[P] files=(value)

  • [PARAM] value new email address value
  1. file=(value) of Page property sets the email address value and set will_update_flag to true.
  1. file=(value) of Database property raises StandardError.
    1. page.properties["MailTitle"].email = "hkob@example.com" => "hkob@example.com" db.properties["MailTitle"].email = "hkob@example.com" # ...:in `assert_page_property': email= can execute only Page property. (StandardError)

filter_is_empty →

filter_is_empty creates a Query object for is_empty filter.
db.properties["CreatedByTitle"].filter_is_empty => #<NotionRubyMapping::Query:0x0000000106af9ef0 @filter={"property"=>"CreatedByTitle", "created_by"=>{"is_empty"=>true}}, @page_size=100, @sort=[], @start_cursor=nil>

filter_is_not_empty →

filter_is_not_empty creates a Query object for is_not_empty filter.
db.properties["CreatedByTitle"].filter_is_not_empty => #<NotionRubyMapping::Query:0x00000001104b7290 @filter={"property"=>"CreatedByTitle", "created_by"=>{"is_not_empty"=>true}}, @page_size=100, @sort=[], @start_cursor=nil>