

1. Singleton methods

new(page_size: 200)

  • [PARAM(optional)] page_size: The number of items from the full list desired in the response. (Integer)
Query object is usually filter_with_XXX methods, so Query.new is only used for sort criteria. See Sort criteria in C: Sort criteria.
query = Query.new page_size: 200 => #<NotionRubyMapping::Query:0x0000000109461298 @filter={}, @page_size=200, @sort=[], @start_cursor=nil>

2. Instance methods


  • [PARAM] another_query another query
and joins another_query using an and condition. See Complex conditions in B: complex conditions.


  • [PARAM] property property object for ascending sort
Using ascending, sort criteria can be appended to an existing query object. If you don't use the previous filters, you can generate by Query.new. See Sort criteria in C: Sort criteria.


  • [PARAM] property property object for descending sort
Using descending, sort criteria can be appended to an existing query object. If you don't use the previous filters, you can generate by Query.new. See Sort criteria in C: Sort criteria.


  • [PARAM] another_query another query
or joins another_query using an and condition. See Complex conditions in B: complex conditions.