RecordingsIrish RecordingsNameApple MusicRecordingsOnSameAlbumTunesIrish AlbumNumberMusicians🎙️Cooley's/The Wise Maid🎶Cooley’s💿Ómós Do Joe Cooley1👤Frankie Gavin👤Paul Brock👤Charlie Lennon🎙️Farrell O'Gara/Lucy Campbell's🎶Lucy Campbell💿Ben Lennon and Friends: The Natural Bridge18👤Ben Lennon👤Charlie Lennon👤Brian Lennon👤Maurice Lennon🎙️Mike Flanagan's / The Milliner's Daughter🎶Mike Flanagan’s💿Ómós Do Joe Cooley4👤Charlie Lennon👤Frankie Gavin👤Paul Brock🎙️Over the Moor to Maggie / Dowd's Number Nine💿Ómós Do Joe Cooley2👤Frankie Gavin👤Paul Brock👤Charlie Lennon🎙️Reels: Down the Broom / The Gatehouse Maid / Molloy's👤Charlie Lennon👤Brian Lennon👤Ben Lennon🎙️The Lonesome Jig/The Tenpenny Bit💿Within a Mile of Kilty6👤Ben Lennon👤John Gordon👤Charlie Lennon👤Brian Rooney👤Séamus Quinn🎙️The Sally Gardens / The Ships Are Sailing / The Wild Irishman / The Coalminer / The Skylark🎶The Sally Gardens💿Ómós Do Joe Cooley12👤Frankie Gavin👤Paul Brock👤Charlie Lennon🎙️The Stack of Wheat / Miss Galvin's💿Ómós Do Joe Cooley3👤Frankie Gavin👤Paul Brock👤Charlie LennonYouTubesIrish YouTubesNameDescriptionInsturumentalsRhythmThumbnail URL (copy to Thumbnail)TunesURLUploadedMusician pages👤No grouping (Musician) 👤Group by Insturumental (Musician)