Lucy Campbell / Ship In Full Sail
Johnny Connolly
REELS Jennie Pippin/ Miss Thornton's/ The Ships are Sailing
Reels: The Ships Are Sailing / Ambrose Moloney's / The New Mown Meadows
Brian Hughes
Roaring Mary - Ships Are Sailing - The Black Haired Lass
The Tulla Ceili Band
Ships Are Sailing, The Green Groves of Erin, The Musical Priest
The Day I Met Tom Moylan / Ships a-Sailing (Reels)
The Ships Are Sailing / the Hunter's Purse
The Trip to Birmingham / O'Gormans / The Ships Are Sailing
The Wind That Shakes the Barley, Toss the Feathers, the Ships Are Sailing, Lord McDonalds
Played in YouTube
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