RecordingsIrish RecordingsNameApple MusicRecordingsOnSameAlbumTunesIrish AlbumNumberMusicians🎙️Barabara Needhams, Christy Barrys, Bye a While🎶Barbara Needham’s💿Bye a While1👤Pádraig Rynne🎙️Bm Reel, JB's Reel, Lad O'Beirnes💿Bye a While11Bye a While👤Pádraig Rynne🎙️Bríd Harpers, PaddyWhacks💿Bye a While10👤Pádraig Rynne🎙️Not Safe With a Razor, the Palm Tree, Jimmys Return💿Bye a While7👤Pádraig Rynne🎙️The Sunny Hills of Beara / I Buried My Wife and Danced on Her Grave / Strop the Razor (feat. Conal O'kane, Ewen Vernal & Davie Ryan)👤Pádraig Rynne🎙️The Sweat House / Jackson's (feat. Conal O'kane, Ruben Bada & Dónal Lunny) 3:45👤Pádraig RynneYouTubesIrish YouTubesNameDescriptionInsturumentalsRhythmThumbnail URL (copy to Thumbnail)TunesURLUploadedMusician pages👤No grouping (Musician) 👤Group by Insturumental (Musician)