2021-04-14: Better Graphs, Dataview Tricks, & iOS+git Backups

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Plugin News

  • The new & (mostly) improved version of the Neo4j Graph View plugin by Emile van Krieken made it through code review and is now in the community plugins list as Juggl. You no longer have to install Python or Neo4j, it works on mobile, you can save your graph view, it can be embedded directly into your notes with a code fence, and it lets you control the styling (or not, if you'd rather keep it simple) with a style pane, YAML, and CSS.
  • Dual is an open source virtual assistant plugin that leverages GPT-2 to let you talk to your notes. It's currently in the very alpha stages and takes about an hour and some know-how to get set up, but if you want to go be an early adopter and help the developer improve it, @paubric has a lot of enthusiasm and a Discord server set up.
  • @mgmeyers created a new CSS snippet for the Style Settings plugin that lets you tweak every CSS variable of the default Obsidian theme.
  • Media Extended now supports embed YouTube and Vimeo video fragment with time stamps.

Workflow Stuff

CSS Tips & Tricks

PKM Tips

Feature Requests

  • Tables that are sortable in preview has been requested.@alex.dinu and @liam spent some time discussing the particulars, and now @alex.dinu is looking into markdown post-processing. Reach out if you have any insight – I imagine this would be useful for a lot of people!

Ancillary Tools

  • Focal Board, billed as an 'offline, open-source Notion'