RecordingsIrish RecordingsNameApple MusicRecordingsOnSameAlbumTunesIrish AlbumNumberMusicians🎙️Hornpipes: The Bees Wings / Galway Bay / The Smell of the Bog💿Sidewinder8👤Peter Browne🎙️Jigs: The Wrens Nest / The Diplodocus / Temple Hill💿Sidewinder7👤Peter Browne🎙️Reels: Master Crowley's / The Miser's Purse / The Torrid Romance💿Sidewinder5👤Peter Browne🎙️Reels: Sweeney's / The Coast of Austria / The Jolly Tinker🎶The Jolly Tinker💿Sidewinder9👤Peter BrowneYouTubesIrish YouTubesNameDescriptionInsturumentalsRhythmThumbnail URL (copy to Thumbnail)TunesURLUploadedMusician pages👤No grouping (Musician) 👤Group by Insturumental (Musician)