Databases | Summary
In total there are 4 databases in this template
Database (1) | Trips
This database holds all the trips created.
Property | Property Type | Notes | Update property? |
Name | Title | Name of the trip | On trip creation. |
Trip Stage | Multi-select | Tag the state of the trip:
- Dreaming
- Potential
- Confirmed | Update on trip creation and when/if the status changes. |
Trip Dates | Date | The proposed dates of the trip. | Update on trip creation and when/if the dates change.
Be sure to enter the start and end date. |
Region | Multi-select | The region the countries to be visited on trip are from. | Update on trip creation and when/if the region changes. |
Country | Multi-select | The country or countries to be visited on the trip. | Update on trip creation and when/if the countries change. |
Cities | Rollup | This is a rollup property that will appear automatically based on the cities entered in the itinerary database. | Update via the itinerary database. |
Trip Status | Formula | A formula based on the entered trip dates with three status updates:
- #days until the trip starts
- Trip is underway
- #days since the trip ended | Updates automatically as long as the trip start and end date property has been entered. |
Documents | Relation | A relation to the associated documents for this trip. | This will automatically populate once you tag it in the documents database. |
Itinerary | Relation | A relation to the associated itinerary for this trip. | This will automatically populate once you tag it in the itinerary database. |
Journal | Relation | A relation to the associated journal entry for this trip. | This will automatically populate once you tag it in the itinerary database. |
Trip Status
if(dateBetween(now(), start(prop("Trip Dates")), "hours") < 0, prop("Name") + " trip is coming up in " + format(dateBetween(start(prop("Trip Dates")), now(), "days") + 1) + " days", if(formatDate(now(), "L") > formatDate(start(prop("Trip Dates")), "L") and formatDate(now(), "L") < formatDate(end(prop("Trip Dates")), "L") or formatDate(now(), "L") == formatDate(start(prop("Trip Dates")), "L") or formatDate(now(), "L") == formatDate(end(prop("Trip Dates")), "L"), prop("Name") + " trip is underway ✈️", if(dateBetween(end(prop("Trip Dates")), now(), "days") < 0, format(dateBetween(now(), end(prop("Trip Dates")), "days")) + " days ago" + " you were on the " + prop("Name") + " trip", "")))
Trip stage
Trip Dates
Trip Status
Confirmed trip ✔️
Nov 18, 2021 → Nov 21, 2021
Europe 🌎
France 🇫🇷
Confirmed trip ✔️
Dec 5, 2021 → Jan 14, 2022
Asia 🌏
China 🇨🇳
Database (2) | Itinerary
This database holds all the itinerary items created across all trips.
Property | Property Type | Notes | Update property? |
Itinerary item | Title | Name of the item being entered into the itinerary. e.g. hotel, cafe, sight. | On creation. |
City | Multi-Select | The city that this itinerary item is in. | On creation. |
Date to visit | Date | Proposed or planned date to visit the itinerary item. | On creation and update if changes. |
Photos & links | Files & Media | Any attached photos or links relating to the itinerary item. | Update during research and after visiting. |
Notes | Text | Any quick notes about the itinerary item for reference. | Update during research and after visiting. |
Price | Number | The price to visit, see, stay, ride or dine at the itinerary item.
Adjust the currency by hovering the left-hand side of the property box. | Update during research and after visiting. |
Who paid? | Multi-Select | A drop-down list to select the person or people who paid. | Update during research and after purchase. |
Trip | Relation | A relation to the associated trip for this itinerary.
| This will automatically populate. |
Itinerary item
Date To Visit
Photos or links
Who paid?
Database (3) | Travel Journal
This database holds all the journal entries created across all trips.
Property Name | Property Type | Notes | Update property? |
Name | Title | The name of the journal entry. e.g. "Day 1", "01/01/01", "First day in Paris". | On creation. |
Journal Date | Date | The date of the journal entry. | On creation. |
Trip | Relation | A relation to the associated trip for this journal.
| This will automatically populate unless you create the document via the small blue drop down arrow / template button. If so you will have to manually enter it. |
Travel Journal
Journal Date
Nov 18, 2021
Database (4) | Travel Documents
This database holds all the documents created across all trips.
Property Name | Property Type | Notes | Update property? |
Name | Title | The name of the document | On creation. |
Document Type | Multi-Select | A drop-down list to tag the type of document being entered. | On creation. |
Link | File | Photo | Files & Media | Attached URL link, file or photo of the mentioned document. | On creation. |
Trip | Relation | A relation to the associated trip for this travel document.
| This will automatically populate unless you create the document via the small blue drop down arrow / template button. If so you will have to manually enter it. |
Trip Status | Rollup | A rollup property that shows the trip status update.
This is used to filter the database on the homepage to quickly access required documents. | Automatically updates based on Trips database. |
Travel Documents
Document Type
Link | File | Photo
Trip Status
Database (4) | Quick travel to do list
A sync block that appears in all trip pages and on the main dashboard page. Any changes will appear consistent across all pages.
Quick travel to-do list:
Renew passport
Book Airbnb