RecordingsIrish RecordingsNameApple MusicRecordingsOnSameAlbumTunesIrish AlbumNumberMusicians🎙️10,000 Farewells / Sean Ryan's / Rory O'Moore7👤Harry Bradley👤Jesse Smith👤John Blake🎙️Air & Jig: Amran an Bha (Air) / An Phis Phliuch💿Memories from the Holla13👤Peter Carberry👤Angelina Carberry👤John Blake🎙️Jigs: An Buachaill Dreoite / The King of the Pipers🎶Franc A'Phoill / The King Of The Pipers💿Memories from the Holla1👤Peter Carberry👤Angelina Carberry👤John Blake🎙️Jigs: The Hungry Rock / The Green Fields of Woodford💿Memories from the Holla4👤Peter Carberry👤Angelina Carberry👤John Blake🎙️Maude Miller / The Queen of May / The Carracastle12👤Harry Bradley👤Jesse Smith👤John Blake🎙️Reels: John Henry's / Jack Coughlan's💿Memories from the Holla11👤Peter Carberry👤Angelina Carberry👤John Blake🎙️Reels: O'Sullivans / The Moving Bogs💿Memories from the Holla3👤Peter Carberry👤Angelina Carberry👤John Blake🎙️Reels: Patsy Cambell's / Tie the Bonnet / Mick Finn's💿Memories from the Holla2👤Peter Carberry👤Angelina Carberry👤John Blake🎙️Reels: The Spike Island Lasses / Over the Bridge to Betty / The Master's Return💿Memories from the Holla5👤Peter Carberry👤Angelina Carberry👤John Blake🎙️The Contradiction / The Monasterydan Fancy10👤Harry Bradley👤Jesse Smith👤John BlakeYouTubesIrish YouTubesNameDescriptionInsturumentalsRhythmThumbnail URL (copy to Thumbnail)TunesURLUploadedMusician pages👤No grouping (Musician) 👤Group by Insturumental (Musician)