RecordingsIrish RecordingsNameApple MusicRecordingsOnSameAlbumTunesIrish AlbumNumberMusicians🎙️An Súisín Bán/The Humours of Castlebernard💿Pride of the West3👤John Wynne👤John McEvoy🎙️Auchdon House/The Red-Haired Lass/The Green Fields of America💿Pride of the West2👤John Wynne👤John McEvoy🎙️Crib of Perches/Tinker's Stick/Come Up to the Room, I Want Ye💿Pride of the West6👤John Wynne👤John McEvoy🎙️The Cedars of Lebanon/John Egan's/Doonagore💿Pride of the West4👤John Wynne👤John McEvoy🎙️The Fairy Reel/Larry MacDonagh's Reel🎶The Fairy💿Pride of the West14👤John Wynne👤John McEvoy🎙️The Maid of Mount Cisco💿Pride of the West13👤John Wynne👤John McEvoy🎙️The Piper's Despair/The Mullingar Lea💿Pride of the West10👤John Wynne👤John McEvoy🎙️Wandering Minstrel/Happy to Meet, Sorry to Part/I Will If I Can💿Pride of the West5👤John Wynne👤John McEvoyYouTubesIrish YouTubesNameDescriptionInsturumentalsRhythmThumbnail URL (copy to Thumbnail)TunesURLUploadedMusician pages👤No grouping (Musician) 👤Group by Insturumental (Musician)