
Notion Trademark Usage Guidelines

Notion Marks

The “Notion Marks” are the words, logos, graphics, designs, and other indicators that identify Notion as the source of a product or service. For example, the name and wordmark “Notion”, and our black and white cube logo are a few of Notion’s most valuable assets. All use of the Notion Marks must be done in accordance with these guidelines (the “Trademark Guidelines”) and the Notion brand guidelines found here
Notion’s brand usage guidelines: How to use Notion’s brand in your marketingNotion’s brand usage guidelines: How to use Notion’s brand in your marketing
Notion’s brand usage guidelines: How to use Notion’s brand in your marketing
(the “Brand Guidelines”).

General Rules

Always use the Notion Marks in accordance with these Trademark Guidelines, the Brand Guidelines as well as any other guidelines Notion has or in the future provides to you. All rights we grant you to use the Notion Marks require that you specify that the Notion Marks belong to Notion (as described in the Attribution Language section below). Notion can modify or revoke at any time, in its sole discretion, any permission or license we grant you to use our trademarks.

Permitted Use

You may refer to the Notion Marks to accurately describe how your products or services relate to our products or services. For example, if you have built an integration to Notion you can say that your integration works with, works for, uses, or was built with Notion's product or service. For more information see the
Notion’s brand usage guidelines: How to use Notion’s brand in your marketingNotion’s brand usage guidelines: How to use Notion’s brand in your marketing
Notion’s brand usage guidelines: How to use Notion’s brand in your marketing
Please only use the Notion Marks for which you are approved for use in the Brand Guidelines or other written agreement with Notion. For example, if you are an official Notion ambassador, certified consultant, champion, or affiliate and have been provided specific permission to use or display the Notion Marks or other copyrighted works within your licensing or other written agreement with Notion, you are permitted to use or display only those Notion Marks or copyrighted works that are specifically referenced in your agreement or identified in the Brand Guidelines for the specific program to which you belong, and you must follow the terms outlined in your specific agreement or in the applicable section of the Brand Guidelines.
If you are unclear which Notion Marks or brand elements are approved for your use case, please reach out to Notion at team@makenotion.com.

Prohibited Use

The following usage of the Notion Marks are prohibited. Please do not:
  • Use the Notion Marks in a way that suggests or implies an endorsement, sponsorship, partnership, or affiliation where such a relationship does not exist.
  • Use the Notion Marks (including Notion’s name) in your business name, app name, website name, domain name, social media handle, or other source.
  • Copy Notion’s look and feel, or imitate our logo or visual identity by incorporating the Notion Marks or anything confusingly similar, into your own trademark, logo, product or service name, business name, trade name, website domain, or slogan.
  • Absent a license from Notion, specifically monetize the Notion Marks, such as selling Notion-themed merchandise.
  • Use, display, and promote Notion program badges and credentials except as approved by Notion.

Attribution Language

Where you have been granted permission to use the Notion Marks, you must always include the below attribution language or other attribution language that has been provided to you by Notion:
"Notion and the Notion logo are trademarks of Notion Labs, Inc., and are used here with permission."
For community-run websites and social media accounts, please also include clear language that your website or account is a community-run website or account and is not maintained or controlled by Notion.


Please reach out to Notion at team@makenotion.com.