GTD based task database with five automations

GTD based task database with five automations

Next action

Now working


Sprint planning

Nov 24, 2024 12:00 AM
Task name
No description
Task name
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🔽 How to use

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❓ What’s this

This is the GTD task database that I regularly use. The database has 5 database automations configured.
  1. Set start date automation
  1. Set end date automation
  1. Restart task automation
  1. Mention to date automation
  1. Create blocking tasks automation
This system consists of the following 4 parts.
  1. Next action
    1. All items from the current sprint that have today's date will be displayed.
  1. Now working
    1. Tasks currently being executed (those with Status "In progress") will be displayed.
  1. Someday
    1. Tasks that have neither sprint nor date set will be displayed.
  1. Sprint planning
    1. Current: Tasks of the current sprint will be displayed in a list categorized by date.
    2. Set current sprint: Tasks of this week that don't have a sprint assigned will be displayed. These should be registered to the current sprint. (See → Set current sprint)
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⚙️ Preparation

  1. This template is designed to work when one sprint is a one-week period starting on Monday.
  1. Sprint is NOT conveniently set up to automatically update itself. After duplicating, first turn on Automated sprints.
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⏱️ Task Time Tracking

  1. When you check Next step for tasks that are Not started, the current time will be set as the Due start time, and the Status will change to In progress (Set start time automation). Currently active tasks are displayed in Now working.
  1. When you check Next step for tasks that are In progress, the current time will be set as the Due end time, and the Status will change to Done (Set end time automation).
  1. When you check Next step for tasks that are Done, it creates a new dependent task with the same name plus a sequential number. The new task will be set to In progress with the start time automatically set. The Next step checkbox on the original task will also be unchecked (Restart task automation).
  1. For tasks that are not registered but can be completed within 2 minutes, click +New task in Now working to create them. Since the Next step will be checked, the task will automatically start through database automation.
  1. Similarly, existing Someday tasks can be started by dragging them to Now working. Additionally, the Sprint will become the current sprint, and the Due will be set to today's date. If you accidentally drag a task, you can press the Reset (Someday) button to return it to a Someday task.
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📅 Update date

You can set task dates using date mentions. The procedure is shown below.
  1. After displaying the page, open the panel on the right.
  1. Enter the date mention. Example: @13-15
  1. The date calculated by the formula will be displayed in updateDatePreview in the same section. This formula supports all languages (English, Korean, Japanese, French, German, Spanish (Spain), Spanish (Latin America), Portuguese (Brazil), Finnish, Danish, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese)
  1. After confirming that the date is correct, simply type "." and the database automation updates the Due date to that time (Mention to date automation).
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⤵️ Create sequential dependent tasks

  1. In the task name field, enter sequential task names separated by |. Example: Task 1|Task 2|Task 3
  1. Add | at the beginning of the title. Example: |Task 1|Task 2|Task 3
  1. The database automation (Create blocking tasks) will change the task name to Task 1 and create a dependent task with the title Task 2|Task 3. Please repeat step 2 for this.
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🏃 Set current sprint

Calendar tasks of this week should also be in the current sprint. Here we will show how to set these tasks to the current sprint.
  1. Display the Set current sprint view in Sprint planning. This view will display tasks of this week that don't have a sprint assigned.
  1. Select all items using the checkbox on the left.
  1. Set the current sprint using the Sprint field shown above.
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