Formula translation from 1.0 to 2.0

Formula translation from 1.0 to 2.0
Formula 1.0
Formula 2.0
add(prop("Name"), "ABC") add(prop("Number"), 5)
prop("Name") + "ABC” prop("Number") + 5
The add function has been restored, but the conversion to + remains in effect.
and(prop("Cond1"), prop("Cond2")
prop("Cond1") and prop("Cond2")
removed and function
concat(prop("Name"), format(prop("Number")))
(prop("Name") + format(prop("Number")))
The argument of concat becomes a list in Formula 2.0. So, the string version of concat in Formula 1.0 is converted normal + operator.
day(prop("Date")) % 7
The day function in Formula 2.0 now returns a value between 1 and 7; in Formula 1.0 it returned a value between 0 and 6, so it is converted to take the remainder of 7.
divide(prop("Number"), 5)
prop("Number") / 5
The divide function has been restored, but the conversion to / remains in effect.
Constant e is converted to function e()
end function is converted to dateEnd function. If you copy from the existing text, the following error is displayed. end is not defined.[0,3]The function "end()" was renamed to "dateEnd()".
equal(prop("Name"), "ABC") equal(prop("Number"), 5) equal(prop("Date1"), prop("Date2")) equal(true, false)
prop("Name") == "ABC” prop("Number") == 5 prop("Date1") == prop("Date2") true == false
The equal function has been restored, but the conversion to == remains in effect.
join(prop("Name"), "a", "b", "c")
join(["a", "b", "c"], prop("Name"))
The join function in Formula 2.0 requires a list in the first parameter. join(delimiter, str1, str2) is converted join([str1, str2], delimiter)
larger(prop("Name"), "ABC") larger(prop("Number"), 5) larger(prop("Date1"), prop("Date2"))
prop("Name") > "ABC” prop("Number") > 5 prop("Date1") > prop("Date2")
removed larger function
largerEq(prop("Name"), "ABC") largerEq(prop("Number"), 5) largerEq(prop("Date1"), prop("Date2"))
prop("Name") >= "ABC” prop("Number") >= 5 prop("Date1") >= prop("Date2")
removed largerEq function
mod(prop("Number"), 2)
prop("Number") % 2
The mod function has been restored, but the conversion to % remains in effect.
month(prop("Date")) - 1
The month function in Formula 2.0 now returns a value between 1 and 12; in Formula 1.0 it returned a value between 0 and 11, so it is converted to subtract 1.
multiply(prop("Number"), 5)
prop("Number") * 5
The multiply function has been restored, but the conversion to * remains in effect.
or(prop("Cond1"), prop("Cond2")
prop("Cond1") or prop("Cond2")
removed or function
Constant pi is converted to function pi()
pow(prop("Number"), 2)
prop("Number") ^ 2
removed pow function
slice(prop("Name"), 1, -1)
substring(prop("Name"), 1, -1)
slice for strings in Formula 1.0 is converted to substring function.
smaller(prop("Name"), "ABC") smaller(prop("Number"), 5) smaller(prop("Date1"), prop("Date2"))
prop("Name") < "ABC” prop("Number") < 5 prop("Date1") < prop("Date2")
removed smaller function
smallerEq(prop("Name"), "ABC") smallerEq(prop("Number"), 5) smallerEq(prop("Date1"), prop("Date2"))
prop("Name") <= "ABC” prop("Number") <= 5 prop("Date1") <= prop("Date2")
removed smallerEq function
start function is converted to dateStart function
subtract(prop("Number"), 2)
prop("Number") - 2
The subtract function has been restored, but the conversion to - remains in effect.
- prop("Number")
removed unaryMinus function
unaryPlus(prop("Number")) unaryPlus(prop("Checkbox"))
toNumber(prop("Number")) toNumber(prop("Checkbox"))
unaryPlus is converted to toNumber