
Mexico | support education and medical treatment

Since 2018 to present
Medical support with Red Cross Mexico (2019) Medical support with Red Cross Mexico (2019)
Medical support with Red Cross Mexico (2019)
Open a class for the underprivileged children (2019)Open a class for the underprivileged children (2019)
Open a class for the underprivileged children (2019)
Support poor families in urgency (2020)Support poor families in urgency (2020)
Support poor families in urgency (2020)
Build a 'Hope Flower School' in Mexico (2019)Build a 'Hope Flower School' in Mexico (2019)
Build a 'Hope Flower School' in Mexico (2019)
COVID-19 emergency response (2020)COVID-19 emergency response (2020)
COVID-19 emergency response (2020)
Medical/Healthcare support with local doctors (2020) Medical/Healthcare support with local doctors (2020)
Medical/Healthcare support with local doctors (2020)
🖐🏽 Han & COINTREE's Story in Mexico (since 2018)
  • In 2018, Han moved to Mexico after he settled down the COINTREE school in Bolivia. Han and COINTREE started to broaden our work toward medical/healthcare support, because we found out that too many children could not come to school due to illness and disease.
  • However, we also met hundreds of children in poverty who had never been in school. Thus, we first started to build the 3rd 'Hope Flower School' in Tulum, Mexico.
  • COINTREE did medical support and provide medicines with Red Cross Mexico in 2019.
  • In 2020, COVID-19 crisis hit the underprivileged families and they needed supports for living. COINTREE began to respond emergencies and support poor families in urgency.
  • Over the past year, the library was built near COINTREE school. 200 people could get medical treatment and medicines for family. Our 'Hope Flower School' is always crowded with students.
  • Now, COINTREE plans to build a public health center, which will be improved to 'Love Flower Hospital' to help 1,000 people monthly.
🖐🏽 2018년부터 꽃거지한영준 대표와 코인트리는 멕시코에서 어떤 활동을 했나요?
  • 2018 볼리비아 희망꽃학교 운영 안정화시킨 후 아파도 가난해서 치료 못 받는 아이들이 많다는 멕시코로 이주함.
  • 2018 와보니 웬걸, 학교 못 다니는 애들도 너무 많음. 그래서 일단 툴룸 빈민가에 희망꽃학교부터 세움.
  • 2019 현지 적십자와 협력해서 의료봉사 시작. 치료비, 의약품도 지원함.
  • 2020 시작과 동시에 코로나19 긴급구호함. 휴교령 내렸을 때 도서관 세움. 그리고 의료진 모셔와서 의료봉사하고 중환자 치료하고, 구충제 배급함. 희망꽃학교는 안전하게 잘 운영되고 있음.
  • 2021년 현재 월 1,000명을 치료하는 보건소 건축 준비 중 → 확장해서 '사랑꽃병원' 세울 예정!