Lunch & Learn or Dinner (2h+)Lunch & Learn or Dinner (2h+)

Lunch & Learn or Dinner (2h+)

What it looks like:

  • 5-15 people.
  • Casual seating around a table so everyone can see each other's laptops if needed.
  • People take turns sharing their setups, or everyone discusses a chosen topic (like a certain type of thing to build, or productivity tips).
  • One person (maybe the host), takes the reins as moderator to keep conversation flowing, ask intriguing questions, and make sure everyone is getting a chance to speak.

Top tips:

  • We recommend group discussions, so look for a casual restaurant with ample seating, table space, wifi, and outlets. Nothing too fancy.
  • Make sure it's quiet enough so people won't have to shout to be heard.
  • We're working on alternate solutions, but for right now, guests will need to order their own meal. Please make that clear in the Meetup page!


  • You have the commitment of a meal here; fewer people are likely to come in/out late/early.
  • Food is a great equalizer among people who don't know each other very well; gives guests something to do with their hands and something delicious to enjoy! 🌮
  • You can use a "peer tutoring" model where people show each other their workspaces and give each other thoughtful feedback.


  • Some restaurants might not be able to accommodate a software-centered event. Call ahead of time to check, or see if they have a private room and wifi.
  • It would be a shame for people with dietary or financial restrictions to miss out on lunch! Pickings may be slim for affordable/inclusive menu options depending on your location.