How to coordinate with your husband or wife?How to coordinate with your husband or wife?

How to coordinate with your husband or wife?

Past event
Fireside chat
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Can't decide who should do groceries? Your girlfriend wants to eat Italian food, but you only want to eat instant noodles and Netflix at home? We had no idea before we met Rui Qing. She created a masterpiece on Notion that took her relationships to a new level. No more silly conversations about grocery, housework, food, entertainment, etc.

Is this event for me?

We welcome anyone interested in celebrating Notion with us. It doesn't matter whether you are a student, interested in startups, industry experts with fast-moving, open-minded and critical thinking; or those who discover problems, find solutions, and drives innovation.

Date and time

Sep 29, 2020
8:30 PM-9:45 PM (GMT+8)


Online / Sign up here



  • 8:30 pm Get ready
  • 8:40 pm Introduction by Notion GMT+8
  • 9:15 pm Open forum - discuss anything around Notion
  • 9:45 pm Stay in touch



Hosted by

Felix Wong, Founder, Virtual Mojito / Head of Growth, AngelHub

At Notion GMT+8, you will be surrounded by like-minded Notioners. We are a Notion community of makers, founders, designers, helping each other to unlock the full potential of Notion. We're here to connect and exchange ideas. Join our monthly meetup, learn from each other and showcase your Notion project. Are you ready?
Connect with us


Event summary

Participants: 53
Duration: 45 mins on Crowdcast
Speaker: Rui Qing Tan, Notion SG
Format: Fireside chat + Q&A
We brought up these how-to topics about Notion:
  • How to organize your home
  • Grocery shopping list
  • Personal database
  • Where to dine
We had a 10 mins Q&A on these topics respectively:
  • Do you input all that information manually? or maybe you scan your receipts and import the csv into the database?
  • How do you balance the real face to face communication and stuff tracked on Notion, given this awesome database takes care of so many kinda small talk opportunities?
  • Do you integrate your home lives and work lives together in Notion? or have separate workspaces..
  • What do you think CANNOT be organized on notion?
  • What prompted you to organize your domestic life in Notion? How did your partner feel about it at first?
  • How are you using the backlinks?
We shared:
  • Danny's YouTube channel
What next?
  • Tim Jeffries will be our next speaker (TBC)