
Sri Lanka | a miracle of Olith

Since 2011 to Present
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Han sponsored Olith, a 10-year old boy in Sri Lanka. Thanks to Han's support, he went to school and graduated university. Han sponsored Olith, a 10-year old boy in Sri Lanka. Thanks to Han's support, he went to school and graduated university.
Han sponsored Olith, a 10-year old boy in Sri Lanka. Thanks to Han's support, he went to school and graduated university.
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Now, Olith is leading COINTREE office in Sri Lanka. He also supports education for 100 poor & special children in local community. Now, Olith is leading COINTREE office in Sri Lanka. He also supports education for 100 poor & special children in local community.
Now, Olith is leading COINTREE office in Sri Lanka. He also supports education for 100 poor & special children in local community.
⭐A Miracle of Olith whom Han had sponsored for years.
Olith, the officer/head teacher of COINTREE Sri Lanka was Han's sponsorship child.
Now he operates COINTREE office as a young, smart and passionate leader in local community.
He mainly supports education for the poor & special children in Sri Lanka in COINTREE school.
Olith who used be a sponsorship child grew up socially and financially as well. He can earn a living with respectful job and take care of his family.
He has a dream to support education and self-independence for the underprivileged children in poverty as he himself used to be.
⭐올리스와 꽃거지 한영준 대표의 관계?
코인트리 스리랑카의 지부장 올리스(22)는 꽃거지 대표가 9년 전 후원하던 아이였음.
지금은 대학 졸업하고 비영리 활동가로 코인트리 스리랑카를 이끌고 있음. 청출어람임.
특히 빈민 지역 아이들, 장애 아동을 위한 특수교육을 하고, 지역사회의 리더로 활동함.
올리스가 자립해서 일을 시작하면서 집안 환경도 훨씬 나아짐. 2021년 연봉도 인상됐음.
2021년에는 본인처럼 가난 때문에 공부할 기회가 없었던 아이들을 더 많이 돕는 것이 올리스의 꿈!