
function storeTokenAndIds() { const scriptProperties = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties() scriptProperties.setProperties({ "MY_NOTION_TOKEN": "@@@ Paste your Integration token @@@", "DATABASE_ID": "@@@ Paste your database_id like as 771391e755c245b2a31290f40f187ab9 @@@", "VERIFICATION_TOKEN": "@@@ Paste your verification token in Sec.10 @@@@", "BOT_USER_OAUTH_TOKEN": "@@@ Paste your Bot User OAuth Token in Sec. 10 @@@" }) // Confirm that the above registration was successful console.log("myNotionToken = " + myNotionToken()) console.log("databaseId = " + databaseId()) console.log("verificationToken = " + verificationToken()) console.log("Bot User OAuth Token = " + botUserOAuthToken()) } function testCreateNotionPage() { const title = "Test title" const userDisplayName = "test user" const channelName = "test channel" const children = [{"type": "breadcrumb", "breadcrumb": {}}] createPage(createPayload(title, userDisplayName, channelName, children)) } function outputSheet(str, cell) { const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet() sheet.getRange(cell).setValue(str) } function doPost(e) { const json = JSON.parse(e.postData.contents) if (json.type == "url_verification") { return ContentService.createTextOutput(json.challenge) } else { if (json.token == verificationToken() && json.event.reaction == "pushpin") { createNotionPage(json) } } return ContentService.createTextOutput("Ok") } function createNotionPage(json) { const message = getSlackMessage(, json.event.item.ts).messages[0] const userDisplayName = getUserDisplayName(json.event.item_user) const channelName = getChannelName( const children = convertBlock(message.blocks) const title = message.text.split("\n")[0] outputSheet(userDisplayName, "A1") outputSheet(channelName, "A2") outputSheet(title, "A3") outputSheet(JSON.stringify(children), "A4") createPage(createPayload(title, userDisplayName, channelName, children)) } function getSlackMessage(channel, ts) { return sendSlack("" + channel + "&ts=" + ts + "&limit=1") } function getUserDisplayName(user_id) { const profile = sendSlack("" + user_id).user.profile return profile.display_name == "" ? profile.real_name : profile.display_name } function getChannelName(channel_id) { return sendSlack("" + channel_id) } function rich_text_section(element, embed) { var ans switch (element.type) { case "text": ans = { "type": "text", "text": { "content": element.text, } } if ("style" in element) { ans.annotations = if (ans.annotations.strike) { ans.annotations.strikethrough = true delete ans.annotations.strike } } return ans case "link": const url = element.url ans = { "type": "text", "text": { "content": element.text || url, "link": { "url": url } } } if (url.startsWith("")) { embed["twitter"].push(url) } return ans } } function elementsToRichTextAndTwitter(elements, embed) { return => rich_text_section(element, embed)).filter(Boolean) } function convertBlock(blocks) { const ans = [] const list_buffer = [] const embed = { "twitter": [] } blocks.forEach((block) => { if (block.type == "rich_text") { block.elements.forEach((element) => { if (list_buffer.length > 0) { if (element.type != "rich_text_list" || element.indent == 0) { ans.push(list_buffer.shift()) } } switch (element.type) { case "rich_text_section": ans.push({ "type": "paragraph", "object": "block", "paragraph": { "rich_text": elementsToRichTextAndTwitter(element.elements, embed) } }) break case "rich_text_preformatted": ans.push({ "type": "code", "object": "block", "code": { "rich_text": elementsToRichTextAndTwitter(element.elements, embed), "language": "plain text" } }) break case "rich_text_list": const block_type = == "ordered" ? "numbered_list_item" : "bulleted_list_item" element.elements.forEach((list_element) => { list_element.elements.forEach((sub_element) => { if (list_buffer.length > 0) { if (element.indent == 0) { ans.push(list_buffer.shift()) } } const rt = rich_text_section(sub_element, embed) if (rt) { const list = { "type": block_type, "object": "block" } list[block_type] = { "rich_text": [rt] } var indent = element.indent var pointer = list_buffer while (indent > 0) { if (pointer.length > 0) { const child = pointer[pointer.length - 1] const child_type = child.type if ("children" in child[child_type]) { pointer = child[child_type].children } else { child[child_type].children = [] pointer = child[child_type].children } indent-- } else { break } } pointer.push(list) } }) }) } }) if (list_buffer.length > 0) { ans.push(list_buffer.shift()) } } }) embed.twitter.forEach((url) => { ans.push({ "type": "embed", "object": "block", "embed": { "url": url } }) }) return ans } function sendSlack(url) { const options = { "headers": { "Content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "Authorization": "Bearer " + botUserOAuthToken(), } } return JSON.parse(UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options)) } function sendNotion(url, payload, method) { let options = { "method": method, "headers": { "Content-type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer " + myNotionToken(), "Notion-Version": "2022-06-28", }, "payload": payload ? JSON.stringify(payload) : null } return JSON.parse(UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options)) } function createPage(payload) { return sendNotion("", payload, "POST") } function createPayload(title, userDisplayNme, channelName, children) { return { "parent": { "database_id": databaseId() }, "properties": { "text": { "title": [ { "text": { "content": title } } ] }, "user_name": { "type": "select", "select": { "name": userDisplayNme } }, "channel_name": { "type": "select", "select": { "name": channelName } } }, "children": children } } function myNotionToken() { return PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty("MY_NOTION_TOKEN") } function databaseId() { return PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty("DATABASE_ID") } function verificationToken() { return PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty("VERIFICATION_TOKEN") } function botUserOAuthToken() { return PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty("BOT_USER_OAUTH_TOKEN") }