Day One Version 5.0 | Day One

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In a year where news has been predominantly negative, we wanted to announce a bit of positive news from our corner of the world: Day One 5.0 is here and with it comes a number of new features and refinements that make journaling even better. A full number release is a rare event for us, but indicative of big changes or feature additions when we do. Here’s a look back at Day One Version 1.0 through 4.0:
  • V1 - we took a dream and made it a reality by launching on the App Store.
  • V2 - we added multiple journals and sync.
  • V3 - we added audio support and a new editor.
  • V4 - we added video support.
For Version 5, we’ve added a number of new features while refining others. Let’s start with the headlining feature: Today. Previously called Activity Feed, Today aggregates five journal elements—your location data, calendar events, photos taken, the day’s entries, and On This Day entries—into one place. Today provides an overview of where you’ve been and what you’ve done, allowing you to journal what matters most in a really convenient way. Today is also the most seamless way to revisit the past, with quick access to On This Day. You can access Today by tapping a date on the calendar, the date in the Timeline, or by tapping Today in the Journal Side Menu.
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Next up in 5.0 is The Media Picker, which also happens to be one of the most used features in Day One. It has undergone four key updates:
  • Easily toggle between your photo library, the in-app camera, and the video recorder to add photos and videos to your entry.
  • We removed the related tab and now group your photo library content by location and time of day.
  • Now photos will be added to the entry in the order you select them.
  • New zoom buttons in the photo picker help ensure you pick just the right photo.
If you add photos and videos to your journal from within the app, you’re going to find the updates make the process all-together a more enjoyable experience.
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With Day One, your entries always stay yours. In 5.0, we’ve rebuilt our PDF Export system to give you even more control over how you export your data. The new PDF Exporter will also allow us to build in more customization and control over the book printing experience, which is an update that will be coming in the future.
Location, location, location. It’s such a vital part of the Day One journaling experience, and now with Named Places, it’s customizable. Have a spot you journal from regularly? Now you can name it and have it automatically applied to past and future entries at or near the same location. From within Today, tap on the list of Places, select one, and choose “Name this location.” (Additional Named Places controls and UI improvements are coming soon.)
Last of all, we’ve added Sign in with Apple. Sign in with Apple functionality makes it easier for you to create a Day One account, without having to worry about additional passwords or logins. Existing users who want the simplicity of Sign in with Apple can convert their account over for future authentication.
We’re excited to finally get 5.0 into your hands. If your app hasn’t updated already, you can head to the app store to update manually. Enjoy and keep on journaling.
–The Day One Team