Notion OKR workshop

Notion OKR workshop

Dec 17, 2022
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Notion ArubaNotion Aruba
Notion Aruba
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Roxana Rodriguez, a certified Notion consultant and UI/UX designer, conducted an enlightening 4-hour workshop on December 17, 2022, focusing on OKRs (Objectives and Key Results). The workshop, held at PISO TR3S in Oranjestad, aimed to equip attendees with the knowledge and skills to define, execute, and evaluate high-quality OKRs, and integrate the OKR system within their teams' workflow in Notion.
The training covered a thorough understanding of OKRs, including their history, features of a good OKR, common pitfalls, and reflection techniques. Participants also received a Notion Template to define and track their OKRs, further bridging the gap between to-do lists and outcomes. The workshop was taught in a mix of Papiamento and English, with casual attire recommended for the event.
The event was free for locals and sponsored by Notion.
All course materials were made available to registered participants via email, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience beyond the duration of the workshop.
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Made by 💛 Notioneers in 🏝️ Aruba using Notion Last update Apr 8, 2023