Build a Notion businessBuild a Notion business

Build a Notion business

Many people are generating income with Notion. Some consult to help others set up their workspaces. Some sell premium templates. Others host workshops or events. Given all this opportunity, we wanted to collect key examples and advice in one place, so that you have what you need to start your own business โœจ

Become a Notion consultant

Notion Consultants are proven experts who help users make the most of Notion through custom workspace creation and training.
Demand for Notion and productivity expertise is at an all-time high. Learn more about how you can earn income working with teams or individuals here.
If you become a Notion certified consultant, our Customer Success and Sales teams will be able to send clients your way.
Read our guide to get started

Sell premium templates

Templates are a powerful way to share workflows with other users. Creating advanced templates for specific audiences has proven to add a lot of value.
Creators have used Gumroad and Buy Me A Coffee to set up the payment and access flow for users buying templates. Here are a few examples:
Read our guide to get started

Power your business with Notion

Notion as a product can help you run an independent business and earn more. Here are a few popular examples from our community:
Read our guide to get started

Create courses & education

Increasingly, educators have been using Notion to run online courses. Many of the most profitable workshops have been about Notion itself, but a number are being offered on different topics.
Here are a few examples:
Read our guide to get started

See it in action

All three of these individuals have built thriving businesses around Notion. Here, they share a bit about their experiences and how they got going.

๐ŸŽ™Marie Poulin

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"Now the majority of my revenue actually does come through Notion related products and services."

๐ŸŽ™William Nutt

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Founder, Nutt Labs and Notion.VIP
"Notion Consulting lets me do work that I love, but it's also introduced me to a variety of fascinating people who have been a joy to work with."

๐ŸŽ™Khe Hy

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"I've had such a blast working with both individuals and companies on how to use the tool to bring agency and creativity into their own lives."

Questions? Reach out to and we'll get right back to you.
This is a living resource and will be sure to change over time to meet the needs of the community.