RecordingsIrish RecordingsNumberNameTunesMusicians1🎙️Brenda Stubbert's / Toss the Feathers / Farrell O'gara's (Reels)👤Legacy3🎙️Barney Bralligan's/ Master Cowley's / the Spike Island Lasses (J👤Legacy7🎙️The Fly In the Porter/ Gillian's Apples/ Waking In the Wonderful🎶The Humours Of Drinagh👤Legacy9🎙️The Morning Dew/ the Woman of the House (Reels)👤Legacy14🎙️When Sick Is It Tea You Want? / the Banks of Loch Gowna/ the Cre👤LegacyApple MusicAlbum pages💿No grouping (Album) 💿Grouped by Musician (Album)