Weekly Agenda

No matter how organized we try to be, our agenda can somehow end up being spread across many different places.
Visualize your week's most important to-do's with a weekly agenda so that your top priorities don't fall in between the cracks.
Get started right away with the template when creating a page or keep scrolling to learn how to make one yourself!
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Step 1: Add the days of the week

Let's start off by adding in the days of the week. To create a little visual distinction, we'll create the days of the week as sub-headers.
Just click the [+] button on a new line in the editor to add one in.
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Step 2: Create columns to better visualize the week

To get a nice visual progression in our weekly agenda, let's create some columns. Click the (::) button alongside each of the days of the week and drag-and-drop like in the GIF below.
Rinse and repeat with the other days until you've got 5 columns. To conserve some space, we'll add the weekend underneath the Friday column.
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Step 3: Add dividers for some polish

A little polish never hurts. Let's add in some dividers by clicking the [+] button underneath each day of the week and selecting 'Divider.'
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Step 4: Create an archive page

An archive page will keep our weekly agenda tidy over time. Once we've completed any of our to-do's, we'll drag-and-drop these completed tasks into the archive page.
To create an archive, click the [+] button after placing your cursor underneath the 'Weekend' section and select 'Page.'
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Step 5: Add to-do's to into your weekly agenda

Now let's go ahead and add in our primary to-do's for the week that we want to highlight in our weekly agenda.
We can add in to-do's by clicking the [+] button and selecting 'To-do List' underneath any of the days of the week.
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Something we didn't cover? Message us in the app by clicking ? at the bottom right on desktop (or in your sidebar on mobile). Or email us at team@makenotion.com ✌️