
Bolivia | build and manage a School

from 2014 to 2018 활동
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In 2015, he built a 'Hope Flower School' in Bolivia.In 2015, he built a 'Hope Flower School' in Bolivia.
In 2015, he built a 'Hope Flower School' in Bolivia.
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  • In 2013, Han planned to build up a school for Bolivian children with small donations. Some people said it would be a crazy and impossible plan.
  • However, hundreds of donors had started to support his dream, building a school.
  • In 2014, Han himself broke ground for school in Poco Poco, Bolivia.
  • In 2015, 'Hope Flower School' finally opened. It was the big event to the people in the village.
  • From 2015 to 2018, he managed the school, helped local teachers to operate for themselves and moved to Mexico to support more children in poverty.
  • 2014 볼리비아 희망꽃학교를 세우기 위해 첫 삽을 뜸. 진짜 100원씩 모아 학교 세울 계획이었음.
  • 2015. 10 볼리비아 희망꽃학교 완공함. 드디어 개교! 마을에서 축제가 벌어지고 난리남.
  • 2015 -2018 희망꽃학교에서 아이들의 대장을 하고(운영 안정화) 후 멕시코로 이주
📝How to Run 'Hope Flower School' by Han(꽃거지한영준)
We do not teach our students how to have a successful life.
Instead, we teach how to play, share and love. We present hope and the future for them.
Our children will live a happy life, not a successful life.
📝꽃거지 한영준 대표의 '희망꽃학교' 운영 모토
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