DIY English + Learn By DoingDIY English + Learn By Doing

DIY English + Learn By Doing

I've selected my favorite resources to learn and practice English. These are my go-to sources I use to coach my clients. Most are free. 💰
Sign up to get 1 free article with notes every week, delivered to your inbox. Sample issue is here.
List of my favorite newsletters, podcasts, and mixed media content coming soon. 🚀.



For feature articles and other articles. Choose one you like and read it regularly.


Sign up and get 1 weekly article with useful expressions sent to your inbox. Learn by doing.

You can see the first article here.

Monica Coaching What are your goals? Will improving your English communication get you closer? I want to partner with you, figure out what you need and help you get there. I love building communities and connecting people. I do 1-on-1 coaching but I also conduct workshops for interviews, resume building, presentations, and business writing. Contact me for coaching sessions and workshops. For more about me click here. I built this site using Notion. Check out my videos here and build your own workspace.
© 2020
Made by Monica Lim
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