Weekly KPT [Template]Weekly KPT [Template]

Weekly KPT [Template]

Weekly KPT [Template]
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Last Edited
Work out on weekends, weekdays (3+ times)
Reading over binge watching
Brunch out on weekend
Started joining a study group
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
Too-much energy driving on side-project (?)
Skipped publishing writing on saturday!!!
Slept over 1AM (3 times) > leads to waking up late
Slightly over-eating on Sat
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
Python after work
Don't skip writing on saturday!!!
Boost-up concentration level
Weekdays' work-out optimization
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
Wake up early even on weekends
Work out on weekends
Read books on weekends
Stay home to study rather than fleeing to cafeteria
Self-Studying Chinese
Developing service & stick to my plans
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
Did not sleep early (at least 11PM)
Did not check my priorities Every morning
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
Write a writing on Saturday Morning Fully (don’t forget)
Read out my goals to achieve and stick to the initial plans fully > feedback & check (shorten the term)
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
Go to work early as now
Practice my work-out regularly
Keep reading books on the subway
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
Did not keep my waking up time
Didn’t keep my consulting time for others under 30mins
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
Wake up early as possible
Write a writing on weekends (don’t forget)
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
On the way to the company, study CN vocabs (4+)
Keep sleeping routine (4+) / Succeeded in Waking up routine (1)
Make it precious for Friday Night - Study
Short-cut drive away to the near place - Songdo
Read books on subway
Kept daily journal
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
Rested too well on Sat
Only went 2 times for exercising
Less sticking to diet meals on Sat
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
Stick to diet plans strictly (no compromise)
Go to the office earlier than now
Keep the routine as much as possible
Going to the gym even on Sunday
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
Started Chinese Study during come & go walking time
Reading books on subway
Study Coding after work
Stop binge-watching drama if that's not fun enough to watch
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
Did not write KPT / Money Spending in Sat morning.
During Weekeneds slept too much
After losing fats, ate too much of crackers & other things
Skipped daily journal on weekends
Coming to office late (5-10mins)
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
Write KPT in the right time (don't forgive me easily)
After waking up, come to cafe directly
Keep Just dance & going to the gym
Keep daily journal
Depart at least 9:10 (make-up in the office)
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
Keep exercise regularly
Reading books on weekends
Sleep at least 11PM (prepare to sleep from 10PM)
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
Skipped daily diary
Ate too much things for younger bro's holidays
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
Start writing journal & novels again when I wake up
Commit to my life's goal
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
3+ times of exercising
Sleep early to wake up early
Coming to the office around 10
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
Did not read the book on the subway (1hr*365=365hrs/2.5=145books)
Eat too much things on weekend
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
Start reading books
Start exercising regularly again
Commit to what i scheduled
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
Eat less flours, fats and chocolates
Exercises bi-daily
Learn Python
Woke up early during the weekend
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
Didn't end 3 things (1~2 things) per day
Go for different direction (didn't do the initial thing that i made up my mind)
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
Do things in order with highest priority
End things that i had said
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
Read books on and on
Exercise daily
Eat less flours, fats
Plan the weekend (start doing things for myself)
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
Woke up late on the weekend
Didn't say 3 things that i will end-up that day
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
List-up meet-ups on that week
Commit to the 3 things (start early, do it anyway)
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
Keep daily diary
open English Discussion class
Keep reading books
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
Couldn't wake up early and took a cab
Too much rest on Sat
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
come to office until 9am
Work out 3-4 times a week
Read more articles (3 in a day)
Publish an article on Wednes
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
Share things based on what i learned
Daily journal during weekdays
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
Saturday day-off : too long go-out - postponed all other schedules
All time off due to relaxing
Waking up late watching soap-opera (netflix and chill)
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM
Sat/sun morning - work out and readings
Don’t mingle w/ mom&dad
Write weekly thinkings
Write less : for daily feedback
Jul 20, 2020 09:14 AM