웹 브라우저 안에서 동작하는 MSX 에뮬레이터. 버전업 되면서 안정성이나 기능이 굉장히 좋아지고 있다.


The feature is....
  • 12 Generic machines (MSX1, MSX2, MSX2+, MSX tR). NTSC 60Hz or PAL 50Hz
  • V9918, V9938, V9958 and V9990 video, Superimposing, Mixed, Dual Screen modes
  • PSG, SCC, SCC-I, FM-PAC, PCM, MSX-MUSIC and OPL4-Wave sound
  • Kanji support, with MSX-JE Japanese text input editor and dictionary
  • Cross platform HTML5/JS. Runs in any Browser, tested in Chrome/Firefox/Safari
  • Show MSX software running on any webpage, or with a link to the WebMSX page
  • Finally enjoy MSX games on your iPhone/iPad! Installs as a WebApp, runs offline
  • Open files from local storage, iCloud, Google Drive, Dropbox, web links
  • NetPlay! Connect several users on the same Virtual MSX machine over the internet
  • CPU and VDP Turbo modes up to 8x, with manual or software activation
  • Load Cartridge ROMs, HardDisk (Nextor), Disk and Tape images
  • Powerful Drag & Drop system for loading media files
  • Dynamically import files to any MSX disk drive, automatic image creation
  • Savestates support. Export and share Savestate files and links
  • Customizable Keyboard, Joysticks, Joykeys, and Mouse controllers
  • Customizable Touch Controls/Virtual Keyboard for mobile devices (iOS, Android)
  • Joykeys support. Emulates MSX Joysticks using Host Keyboard
  • Virtual buttons. Maps Host Joystick buttons to MSX Keyboard keys
  • Easily toggle extensions like SCC+, SCC, PAC, MegaRAM, Nextor, DoublePSG, etc.
  • Adjustable speed, Pause and Frame-by-frame advance
  • PSG/SCC/OPLL Stereo Sound simulation, configurable
  • Copy & Paste text, Screen Capture, Debug modes
  • CRT Scanlines, resizable Screen, Full Screen and Full Windowed modes
  • 6 MSX1 Palettes. Color, B&W, Green and Amber phosphor simulation
  • Javascript API for loading media and machine control