Recruiting Pipeline

Is your team hiring? Notion can help!
Collect resumes, jot down impressions of candidates, keep track of status changes, and discuss potential hires - manage the entire hiring process from first contact to hire.
Start with this template when you create a new page or keep scrolling to learn how it works.
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Step 1: Create a database to get started

First thing's first - let's create a database that can house all of the candidates. You can add one in by clicking the [+] button on a new line in the editor and selecting 'Board.'
If you have an existing spreadsheet that's been keeping track of potential hires, you can import that in with a .csv file by clicking on the '...' button above the table and selecting 'Import CSV.'
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Step 2: Tailor the Kanban board to reflect the recruiting process

Let's highlight the different stages of the recruiting pipeline.
Just click the status and rename it - it's as easy as that. For some styling, you can also change the color of the milestones as well.
If you're uncertain where certain candidates are at the moment, you can keep the 'No Status' column. Otherwise, you can hide it by clicking on the '...' button.
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Step 3: Add candidates to each stage

Now let's see that pipeline start to take shape by adding in candidates underneath each of the stages.
When a candidate moves through the hiring process, just drag-and-drop their card to the appropriate stage.
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Step 4: Add properties and notes on each of your candidates

A Kanban board is handy for visualizing the essentials and for showing a nice linear progression, but it's not great at visualizing a ton of information due to limited real estate on each individual card.
Since we've set the recruiting pipeline up as a database - every candidate has it's own unique page. Click on a candidate's card to open one up.
Add in helpful properties that you'd like to track for your candidates by clicking on '+ Add a Property.'
Here are some useful properties you can add:
  • Select: include a dropdown to indicate which role they're applying for
  • Email: add their contact details
  • URL: link to their online profile
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To add notes, click the [+] button when you're on a new line in the editor to add lists, prototypes, and others. If you've navigated away from a candidate's page, just click on their card to re-open it.
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Step 5: Discuss candidates with others

Discuss candidate profiles directly in the context of a candidate's page. Make comments inline on specific points or create a longer form discussion thread at the page-level.
If you're in a time crunch or you want to draw someone's attention for quick feedback, @ mention one of your colleagues to trigger a push or in-app notification on their end.
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Step 6: Follow progress with page updates

Click 'Updates' in the top-right of the recruiting pipeline page or on a specific candidate's page to see a feed of all the latest changes.
If you'd like to receive notifications of changes, you can toggle on that you'd like to follow updates on any page.
Once you're subscribed, 'All Updates' in the left-sidebar will be bolded whenever a change has been made to one of these pages. The 'Followed' tab will contain all the latest changes on pages you follow.
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Step 7: Add a table view for more granular sorting

Databases come in two visual flavors - a board view and a table view. They're just different ways to visualize the same set of information living inside of your database.
Boards are great at visualizing things in a linear way, but tables are ideal for condensing your entire candidate database and filtering it in one digestible view.
Let's add in a table view by clicking '+ Add a View,' giving the new view a name, and hitting 'Create.'
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Once you've added in a table, add in a filter (e.g. all candidates applying for the front end opening). Just click on the header of the column you'd like to filter and select 'Add Filter.'
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Step 8: Share your team's feedback with candidates

Who doesn't appreciate thoughtful post-interview feedback?
Since each candidate already has it's own page in your candidate database, you can easily share that individual page once the interview process is all wrapped up.
Click the 'Share' button in the top right, and enter the emails you want to share the page with. The candidate will only be able to access that very page (and any sub pages nested inside of it).
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Something we didn't cover? Message us in the app by clicking ? at the bottom right on desktop (or in your sidebar on mobile). Or email us at ✌️